Cinque Terre Map

Cinque Terre Map
Cinque Terre Map

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Day One

Learning about the Livorno region of Italy by our sweet guide Michala.

It’s a full group of 15 and we have an 11k walk today. Looks like a beautiful day in the 70s with sunshine.

Today’s walk started with a train ride from our base Moneglia to Devia Marina. 

And then a very steep climb for about 2 1/2 hours. We were rewarded by spectacular views.

Lunch in Framura, a bit of a descent and then a 3 K walk through a pedestrian and bicycle tunnel. A few over achievers did an additional climb, including one of our Ochoa donnes.

The lift to the tunnel.

The walking ended in Bonasola and then a train back to the base. 

A yoga stretching sesion to round out the day prior to a typical Italian an dinner.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Travel Day - What really happened.

Met up with the Newcastle contingent.

Eileen, Leonie and Gwen. 

Then Sawsan and Nadia. 

And went in search of the leaning tower.

We just met knitters this n Italy. 😀

Apparently that red case is full of yarn! Pat from Australia is in Tuscany for a knitting workshop.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Travel Day

So there are 8 of us going on the Cinque Terre walk and today we’re all jetting in, except Odette who arrived in Pisa yesterday from CT in the USA. So hopefully she has scouted our the leaning tower and found some options for lunch today.

Next to arrive will be me from Manchester with My darling sister picked me up at 4:30am today. Even after our evening at the Gin bar last night where we enjoyed a gin flight. If you ever visit the Wirral I strongly recommend The Blind Pig. Owner very knowledgeable about gin and cocktails in general and very friendly and attentive.

I must say all the staff and Manchester airport security staff have been fab. So much nicer than Ryan air.  Just a minor hiccup with knitting needles through security but no issues letting me keep them.

Leonie, Gwen and Eileen will arrive within minutes of me, flying in from Newcastle. Gwen and Leonie had one day in Newcastle to adjust to the Euro time zone.

An hour later Nadia and Sawsan should arrive from Madrid, after spending a week in Andalusia, so they should on Continental time.

The last to arrive will be Trish flying in from London.

The plan is to have a leasurely lunch in Pisa prior to our transfer to Moneglia this evening. Moneglia will be our base for the next week.

Hopefully I will have some photos of Pisa to share.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Preamble

I’m setting off on another walk~ a little bit different this time. There will be 8 of us, staying in one place and going on day walks with a guide. So looking forward to walking through a part of Tuscany with these lovely ladies.

All packed up with help from my #1DD and a yummy G&T made by my fave SIL to send me on my way.

Leaving behind a rainy autumnal Boston.

Looking forward to time with my Anglo Czech family before meeting the crew in Pisa!

So I have packed 5 knitting projects, will be it be enough?

Leonie and Gwen traveled via Newcastle and picked up Eileen along the way. Looks like they played tourists visiting Durham castle.