Cinque Terre Map

Cinque Terre Map
Cinque Terre Map

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Preamble

I’m setting off on another walk~ a little bit different this time. There will be 8 of us, staying in one place and going on day walks with a guide. So looking forward to walking through a part of Tuscany with these lovely ladies.

All packed up with help from my #1DD and a yummy G&T made by my fave SIL to send me on my way.

Leaving behind a rainy autumnal Boston.

Looking forward to time with my Anglo Czech family before meeting the crew in Pisa!

So I have packed 5 knitting projects, will be it be enough?

Leonie and Gwen traveled via Newcastle and picked up Eileen along the way. Looks like they played tourists visiting Durham castle. 

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